Bringing art and aesthetics together with durability, NATA Holding has put its signature on many works that inspire cities.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 1

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 2

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 3

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 4

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 5

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 6

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 7

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 8

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Nurmuhamet - Andalyp Monument 9

Project Features

Project design and construction of the monument work in Andalyp Nurmuhammet.

Atamurat - Nyyazzow Monument Work

Project Features

Projecting the monument work at Atamurat Nyyazzow and construction.

Magtymguly Ostrowskiy Monument Work

Project Features

Design of the monument work of Magtymguly Ostrowskiy and construction.